24/7 Nurse Triage Call: 1-833-756-2007
The State Self Insurance Fund is legally entitled to choose the treating physician. If an employee self‐selects a doctor and does not have prior authorization for treatment from the 24/7 Nurse Triage line, the SSIF will only be responsible for the first $800 in unauthorized medical bills from the self‐selected physician(s) once the injury has been found compensable.
It’s a good practice to receive prior authorization by calling the 24/7 Nurse Triage line at 1-833-756-2007 before sending the employee to the doctor in non‐emergency situations to assist in determining compensability.
Please note that all phoned-in reports must be followed up with a completed electronic Employer’s Report of Injury within 24 hours. The State Self Insurance Fund does not guarantee that any doctor visit will be covered until compensability is determined.